Interested in a Puppy?
If you decide to contact us, please tell us about yourself and why you would make a good owner for one of our dogs. A phone interview or text is always required where we can discuss qualifications, price, a place to meet at, etc. Puppies will not go to new homes until they are at least 8 weeks old. We love each and every dog we own and breed very much and sincerely care about their health, happiness and future. This is why the qualifications and process of owning a dog are so personal and important.
Thank you in advance!
Koko has another litter. This litter was born September 15, 2023. This will be her last litter because she is now 6 yrs old. It’s time to let her play and enjoy her life with us. Her current litter consisted of 6 females and 1 male. Colors are a mix of 3 black ones and 4 that have Hulk’s ligher markings.
We have 4 females left. Please see Puppies Available or contact me at the number below.
You can also click on Contact, on this page above the map, to send me a message.
King George, VA 22485